< Resort/Spa - Bahia Balandra Resort

Location - Baja California, Mexico

Bahia Balandra is a well-known landmark of Baja California Mexico. Rich in indigenous history and stunningly beautiful, the site encompasses 3,600 acres of fantastical Baja desert as it meets the Sea of Cortez; much of the site is designated as Natural Preserve as is the very proximate Espiritu Santo Island, the “crown jewel” of a national marine park. WBA proposed a serious of discreet, peripheral densifications within this “easily despoiled” desert landscape utilizing its complex geomorphologic topographies and local materials to preserve the natural experience of Balandra Bay – south Baja California’s most beautiful estuary – to the greatest extent. The Master Plan included several “Cites by the Sea” with natural and constructed harbors, a University of Oceanology and Museum, several exclusive hotels some with private villas, and condominiums. Water is harvested by desalination plants and power is generated by solar and wind farms integrated into previously disturbed valleys and / or areas of densification.

Location - Baja California, Mexico

Bahia Balandra is a well-known landmark of Baja California Mexico. Rich in indigenous history and stunningly beautiful, the site encompasses 3,600 acres of fantastical Baja desert as it meets the Sea of Cortez; much of the site is designated as Natural Preserve as is the very proximate Espiritu Santo Island, the “crown jewel” of a national marine park. WBA proposed a serious of discreet, peripheral densifications within this “easily despoiled” desert landscape utilizing its complex geomorphologic topographies and local materials to preserve the natural experience of Balandra Bay – south Baja California’s most beautiful estuary – to the greatest extent. The Master Plan included several “Cites by the Sea” with natural and constructed harbors, a University of Oceanology and Museum, several exclusive hotels some with private villas, and condominiums. Water is harvested by desalination plants and power is generated by solar and wind farms integrated into previously disturbed valleys and / or areas of densification.